Page Builder

Intuitive and easy to use

Build websites that load faster, and speed up the process of building them.

Design and build your website visually.

Zero One has two types of Page Builder blocks: Content Blocks and Page Sections.

Below you can see Page sections, and for Content blocks check out this page.


Create layouts in endless variations with this section.

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Full width text - image.

The section you will love, we are completely sure of that.

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Section featuring new Kirby CMS Editor with few more options.

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Say it loud, so everybody can hear you.

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Call to action.

Make visitors click where you want them to click.

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Full width image.

There is nothing mysterious here. It’s an image, but full width.

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Full width video.

Supporting self-hosted and iframe third party video.

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Display photos of any purpose as a lightbox gallery.

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Everybody like sliders, especially if they are smooth like these.

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Clients love slideshows. Well, don’t worry, we got you covered.

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Latest articles.

Display the latest posts on any page with Page Builder.

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Latest projects.

Display the latest projects on any page with Page Builder.

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Need to kickstart your next web project?

Make Zero One yours.

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